The KINematic Molecular Simulation) package can be used to kinematically model observations of arbitary molecular/atomic cold gas distributions. These are the lower-level routines that power KinMS_fitter.
The routines are written with flexibility in mind, and have been used in various different applications, including investigating the kinematics of molecular gas in early-type galaxies (Davis et al, MNRAS, Volume 429, Issue 1, p.534-555, 2013), and determining supermassive black-hole masses from CO interfermetric observations as here for WISDOM. KinMS is also useful for creating input datacubes for further simulation in e.g. CASA’s sim_observe tool.
Further information, tutorials and full installation instructions can be found at the KinMS webpage and on GitHub at https://github.com/TimothyADavis/KinMSpy.